I'm very excited to say that I'm going to be doing a photo shoot with a friend from high school who has been in on the modeling scene for a while. It got started when i had commented on one of her most current fb profile pictures. Well, after talking back and forth for a while, I had mentioned that I wanted to make a MM photographer account but didn't because I thought it was for professionals only but she encouraged me to go for it. After checking out what their requirements were for the photographer account profile and looking through my collection of saved photos, I realized I didn't come close to being close to being able to submit an account application. After a little courage mustering, I managed to ask her if she would help me out. She's so awesome, she said yes! It will be my first real photo shoot with an adult model(s), and we're both really excited about what we have planned so far. Unfortunately, we're on a very tight schedule because we have to work around not only limited daylight hours, but My gf's work schedule and (more importantly) she's going to be moving to Texas for a while for employment opportunities rather soon. I don't want to give too much away, but We're shooting for next week, and should be about another week or two after that when I'll post some of them here. I'm excited about being able to do a photo shoot with a real model, and she's excited because my ideas don't revolve around how big her butt is, like (just about) all of the other photo shoots she has done. I'm not going to lie, though. I'll probably take some pictures that won't try covering up how badonka-licious her behind is, but with everything that is in mind, it'll be on a low priority. I wanted to also get some candid shots.
For additional information visit my journal on dA: http://seapuppy.deviantart.com
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